Weight room to see heavy renovations

East Meck’s athletic facilities will get a major lift this fall. A new weight room is coming our way and will consist of state of the art equipment including 12 new squat racks, two new sets of dumbbells, new therapy bands, kettlebells, jump boxes and brand new olympic bumper weights, along with a new rubberized floor that will be implemented with an Eagle logo in the center. The new olympic bumper plates along with the rubberized floor will enable a safer and quieter environment for East’s athletes.

The weight room will be color coded and designed with squat racks setup along the outside of the room with mirrors lining the walls so that athletes can see themselves while they work out. These mirrors will help athletes see what they are doing wrong and correct their form accordingly, in order to reach their full potential. This design opens up the center of the room for various activities and cardio exercises.

“We can utilize the space for different exercises and activities which allows us to make this not just a strength class, but a strength and conditioning class, which will help students become more well-rounded athletes.” weightlifting coach Eric Sciutto said.

Earlier this school year, CMS sent out a number of emails asking schools if they are interested in a physical education upgrade. East answered the call and immediately got in touch with Kim Cook, CMS’ advocate for students’ physical education. Cook wrote East a $75,000 grant that will fund the new weight room in an attempt to bring East’s athletics back to it’s prestige.

Sciutto believes that this will be the “rebirth of energy” that East has been looking for. Athletes can utilize this privilege to enhance physical performance on the field.

“This room here is the key to being an excellent athlete on the playing field.” Sciutto said.
As any athlete and coach knows, success starts in the weight room. This luxury will hopefully act as the driving force of a resurging East athletic program.

“If you look the part, have the equipment and look professional, that’s going to carry out onto the playing field,” Sciutto said. “It’s a concept the New York Yankees are renowned for worldwide.”
The Yankees ubiquitous success has inspired hundreds of athletic programs across the country to live by the motto, “Look good, Feel Good, Play Good” and East is following suit.

Coaches aren’t the only ones excited for this upgrade. Students are also ecstatic for this great opportunity. Many students think this will help develop better chemistry between each other.

“We’re gonna have more charisma. When we’re excited and more engaged, we work together more,” sophomore Mark Stinson said. “I’m also excited for the extra space, the new racks, and no more roaches.”
The weightroom will not only impact East’s athletics, it’s impact will be felt schoolwide. It will instill a sense of pride into east’s athletes, which will draw additional attention to the whole school.

“It’s not just going to impact us, it’s going to impact the whole school,” Sciutto said.