Wednesday, Nov. 15 was East Meck’s first wrestling meet of the season. Starting the season strongly, as the wrestlers faced strong competition early on.

East’s wrestlers played a great game, going 1-2 beating CATA with a score of 42-29 and falling to Myers Park and Ashbrook with scores of 30-42 and 24-51 respectively.
East wrestlers performed well although they lost two matches. Their determination to their sport hasn’t faltered. “As a team we can all hype each other up a bit more,” sophomore Cole Kenerley said. “I see everybody on our team as family.”
Even though the first meet didn’t result in overwhelming wins for East, the wrestlers still have the ability and drive to improve. The season is still far from over and wrestling coach Demetrius Gray has done anything but give up on his team.
“This sport is not like basketball, football or any other varsity sport where your first three games will tell you how the season is going to go,” Gray said. “We had a hard start last year and that turned into a conference championship team.”