HOSA is running a Red Cross blood drive on December 5th. Sign up can be completed at this address: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AP4xRkXZ9Q4Cou0mEq6mmE3TxadTX2Hznh04iELM7cU/viewform?edit_requested=true. Students must be 16 to donate blood and if 16 or 17 must receive parental consent. Parental permission forms can be found at the HOSA table in the cafeteria lobby at lunches. Forms can also be picked up from Dr. Pat Alfarone in room 206. There are also certain weight requirements of which to be aware.
Currently a lower-than-expected number of people are signed up, so HOSA would greatly appreciate any donors. Donors will receive an excused absence from the class that they miss, as well as a T-shirt and complimentary refreshments from the Red Cross. The blood drive will take place in the Media Center.