Dance is a class offered at East Meck, but it is so much more than that to the dancers taking it. When students walk through the classroom doors, they become dancers.
Within the classroom they have a community, a judgement-free environment, and a love for dance that brings them together.
Sophomore Sara Wallace, a student in the intermediate class, said “Since dance is my first class an A days, I always feel really excited and happy because I’m doing something I’m passionate about.”
Both the proficient and intermediate classes have a small number of students, so they all learn to collaborate and build personal relationships with students dancers from a variety of studios and dance backgrounds.
Dance teacher Rebecca Messer wants to create a personal connection with and between all of her students. When a dance is performed on a stage, chemistry among the dancers is important– their bond is reflected in their performance. This bond only continues to grow.
“Dance is a collaborative art form by nature,” said Messer. “Students provide feedback to peers. Students challenge themselves as class choreographers and teach entire dances to their peers. All of these have been positive for fostering student relationships.”
Messer encourages students to talk to one another and to avoid staying in their cliques. Naturally students may form strong bonds with a few classmates but learning from other and collaborating is fundamental in the dance world.
“Students learn more from each other than they do from me,” said Messer.
“When I walk in the class, I feel more at home… Dance allows me to get out of my feelings and emotions in a healthy way.”
Around October the class’s focus shifts to the Winter showcase. The dance department hosts two showcases throughout the school year. Both small and large group routines are choreographed.
Additionally, two students can work on a dance to teach together. Dancers are also free to make suggestions. Aside from the group dance, Messer prepares the dancers for the showcase. All choreography is student created. Choreographing can be challenging, but it involves trusting the process until the end result comes together.
The general environment of the classroom is always positive.
“When I walk in the class I feel more at home… dance allows me to get out my feelings and emotions in a healthy way,” said sophomore Desa Miller.
East Meck’s dance department is important to many students throughout East Meck. Dance means different things to every dance. Junior Nyla Wells, a student in the proficient class said “In my dance class we’ve created such a community that is so welcoming and just amazing. If I’m ever feeling any negative emotions I can count on dance to make it fade away.”
To Messer’s students, dance is more than just a class. East’s dancers are encouraged to focus on more than just grades– not only are they encouraged to build relationships, but most importantly, they have the freedom to express themselves.