South Meck Broke East Meck Soccer Team’s Streak

Story by Hayley Ochoa, Staff Writer

The Eagles entered the game having defeated Hopewell and  Richmond all ending in 3-2 games.   That is until Sabre varsity player Eric Calderon sealed the Eagles’ fate with a final winning goal earning him the title of player of the game. Eric Calderon wasn’t the only outstanding player this game for the Sabers G Betancourt,  Victor Ortez, Caller outh Meck broke East Meck’s soccer team’s winning streak Tuesday night with a dominant 3-0 victory.

The Eagles entered the game having defeated Hopewell and Richmond both ending in 3-2 games. The Eagles expected an easy win once again until Sabre varsity player Eric Calderon sealed the Eagles’ fate with a final winning goal earning him the title of player of the game.

Calderon wasn’t the only outstanding player this game for the Sabres. G. Betancourt, Victor Ortiz, Cal Ferguson and Carter Brinson all deserve honorable mentions and were crucial parts to the Sabres’ victory.

The Eagles rebounded on Thursday with a victory in an away game against Sun Valley.