Nov 18 was East Meck wrestling’s second meet of the season and first dual match where the team competed against five other teams.
Of the five matches, East was able to win two against Walkerton and Forbush. Where a lesser team would focus on the defeats, East is instead celebrating its victories while still striving to improve.
“With how young of a team we are due to a lot of people just starting out, we were doing pretty good at holding our own against some of these other teams,” wrestling manager Cailyn Darrington said. “There was a lot of overall skill being displayed by all the teams there.”
The team is currently dealing with losing quite a few of its veterans to injuries, which has forced them to have wrestlers compete outside of their weight class and even forfeit matches entirely in some cases. Even with this in mind, the spirit of the team runs strong through every one of its members.
“If I win or lose it doesn’t matter,” junior Brody Pleasants said. “As long as I put everything on the mat.”