How to be productive while doing virtual school

Four tips to be successful while doing remote learning

Story by Liza Pringle, Staff Writer

Have you had trouble staying focused during online school? COVID-19 has completely altered the 2020-2021 school year. If you need advice on how to stay  productive, here are some tips for you!

  • Create a designated workspace. If you are having trouble staying on task or staying focused, create an area in your home where you can do schoolwork with no distractions. This workspace could be either a desk, a spot at your dining room table, or in a home office. By designating a spot to do work, you will be more focused and less vulnerable to distractions.
  • Stick to a morning routine. Create a morning routine for yourself. This will help structure your school days, and get you used to getting an early start to your day. A morning routine can be something as simple as getting up and making your bed every morning, or getting dressed and washing your face.
  • Go outside. Take a few breaks throughout the day and go outside and exercise. This can be anything from simply walking around your neighborhood or doing yoga. Staying active and getting some fresh air during this time is very important, and will help clear your mind and increase your productivity.
  • Listen to music. During online classes, if your teachers allow it, listening to music is a great way to stay focused. This music can be either classical music, instrumental, or just songs that calm you down. Having some music as background noise while you complete your school work can improve your mood and help with m